PAGSE is a cooperative association of more than 20 national organizations in Science and Engineering, representing over 50,000 individual scientists and engineers from academia, industry, and public service. Formed in June 1995 to represent the Canadian science and engineering community, PAGSE’s mandate is to educate and inform federal Parliamentarians, decision makers and other leaders of the importance and significance of Canadian research and innovation to economic development, and society as a whole. PAGSE became a non-profit organization in 2020.
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News & Updates:
PAGSE Newsletter – February 2025
Click here to see the February 2025 newsletter.
Our Sponsors
Our activities and programs are made possible through the generous contributions of our supporters. Learn More.
Our Members
The member organizations of PAGSE provide core support for our meetings and activities. Learn More.
SciEng Pages
SciEng Pages aims to increase discussion on topical issues that have science and engineering at their core by summarizing the current state of knowledge and policy landscape. Learn More.