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Dr. Jeff Mogil: Pain Genetics

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Panel event: Have we entered the sixth mass extinction event? A view from home || La sixième extinction massive a-t-elle commencé? Une perspective locale

Click here to view the presentation. || Cliquez ici pour voir la présentation. Version française ci-dessous Human actions have transformed and destroyed habitats for millennia. With the relentless spread of our […]

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Dr. Don Lawton: On the path to a net-zero carbon economy: carbon capture, utilization and storage || Vers une économie neutre en carbone : le captage, l’utilisation et le stockage du carbone

On the path to a net-zero carbon economy: carbon capture, utilization and storage Click here to view the presentation. Nous nous excusons sincèrement car il y avait un problème avec l'enregistrement […]

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Dr. Alexandre Blais: Quantum Computing | l’informatique quantique

The global race towards quantum technologies: Canada's contributions and imminent opportunities Click here to view the presentation. || Cliquez ici pour voir la présentation. Dr. Alexandre Blais, l'Université de Sherbrooke Despite its […]

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Dr. M. Anne Naeth: Energy Systems and Land Reclamation | Systèmes énergétiques et réhabilitation des terres

Energy Systems and Land Reclamation: An Environmental Imperative Click here to view the presentation.  Dr. M. Anne Naeth, University of Alberta As the human population increases, it urgently requires access […]

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Dr. Volker Gerdts: Better Pandemic Preparedness | Mieux se préparer aux pandémies

Better Pandemic Preparedness – How Canadian science can be ready for future threats Click here to view the presentation. Dr. Volker Gerdts, University of Saskatchewan  The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted […]

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Dr. Elena Bennett: Seeds of a Better Anthropocene | Graines d’un anthropocène prometteur

Creating a sustainable and just future will require a major shift in how humans live in, and interact with, the Earth system. But how this shift will take place and the pathways it will follow, remain vague. In this seminar, Dr. Elena Bennett will discuss efforts to develop a suite of alternative, plausible visions of futures that are socially and ecologically desirable by identifying elements of a Good Anthropocene that already exist and will show how the science of ecosystem services can be used to assess them. Registration Now Open!

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Dr. Gary Kobinger: Developing Vaccines for Pandemics – Contrasting the Ebola and COVID-19 experience | La mise au point de vaccins pour lutter contre les pandémies : comparaison de l’expérience vécue avec le virus Ebola et le coronavirus

The current efforts to develop safe and protective vaccines against COVID-19 are unprecedented both in terms of speed and amount of data collected and shared. In response to COVID-19, the world could see the first vaccine to ever be licensed in a time period that may be only one year or so from the time of detection of the target pathogen. This presentation will highlight opportunities and challenges in therapeutic and vaccine research in Canada in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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Dr. John Smol: The “fierce urgency of now”: Lessons for Canada from the ghosts of climate past | L’urgence féroce du moment présent: Leçons pour le Canada tirées de notre passé climatique

To view highlights from this event, please click here. Dr. John P. Smol, Queen’s University By many measures, the greatest challenge facing humanity today is anthropogenic climate change. Recent opinion […]

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Innovation Prospects for Canada: The Industry Perspective

Panel: Jill Green, Allan F. Miranda, David Ross and Moderator: Satyamoorthy Kabilan Thursday May 2, 2019

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Toxic Algae – a growing threat to Canadians | Les algues toxiques – une menace croissante pour les Canadiens

Toxic algae – a growing threat to Canadians Les algues toxiques – une menace croissante pour les Canadiens Frances Pick, University of Ottawa, Université d'Ottawa

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Madjid Mohseni: What Will it Take for Canada to Finally Solve Indigenous Water Health Challenges? | Comment le Canada peut-il régler définitivement les problèmes d’eau potable dans les collectivités autochtones?

What Will it Take for Canada to Finally Solve Indigenous Water Health Challenges? Madjid Mohseni, University of British Columbia November 29, 2018 Comment le Canada peut-il régler définitivement les problèmes […]

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Dr. Miriam Diamond: How Did that Chemical from My TV End Up in Me and an Arctic Fish? | Comment les produits chimiques présents dans les téléviseurs se retrouvent-ils dans les poissons de l’Arctique et les humains?

We are exposed to thousands of chemicals, some of which are or could be of concern for our health. In this talk, we follow the journey of flame retardants that […]

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Dr. Lawrence Goodridge: Food Safety for the 21st Century | Le salubrité des aliments au 21e siècle

Dr. Lawrence Goodridge, McGill University Thursday May 24, 2018 Despite great progress in protecting the food supply, food poisoning still accounts for more than four million infections, almost 12,000 hospitalizations […]

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Dr. Mark A. Ware: Cannabis in Canada: Closing in on a new paradigm for drug research and policy | Le cannabis au Canada : Aperçu du nouveau cadre le recherche et la politique sur les drogues

Dr. Mark A. Ware, McGill University Thursday April 26, 2018 Canada is poised to legalize and regulate the non-medical use of cannabis, the first G7 country to do so. This […]

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Bacon & Big Thinking – Arctic warming: The land and communities on the cusp of rapid change | Petit-déjeuner et Voir grand – Réchauffement de l’Arctique :Les terres et les communautés à l’aube d’un changement rapide

Bacon & Big Thinking - Arctic warming: The land and communities on the cusp of rapid change Susan Kutz, University of Calgary Jackie Dawson, University of Ottawa Tuesday March 20, […]

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Dr. Steven Waslander: Canada Takes a Big Strike in the Driver-less Future | Le Canada mise gros sur l’avenir sans conducteur

Dr. Steven Waslander, University of Waterloo Thursday, February 15, 2018 With worldwide R&D investment exceeding tens of billions of dollars, self-driving vehicles are fast approaching. Yet it is still unclear […]

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Dr. Michael Houghton: 30-year Journey: Winning the battle against Hepatitis C | Gagner la bataille contre l’hépatite C après 30 ans de recherche

Dr. Michael Houghton, University of Alberta Thursday November 23, 2017 Brought to the University of Alberta in 2010 by the Canada Excellence in Research Chair (CERC) program, Dr. Michael Houghton […]

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Dr. Jay T. Cullen: Uncharted Waters: A scientific glimpse into the future of the Arctic Ocean | Naviguer dans des eaux inexplorées : Regard scientifique sur l’avenir de l’océan Arctique

Dr. Jay T. Cullen, University of Victoria Thursday October 26, 2017 Climate change is reshaping the Arctic Ocean faster than anyone imagined. Warming is reducing sea ice cover in the […]

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Dr. Yoshua Bengio: Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence: Is Canada ready for the challenge? | Apprentissage profond et intelligence artificielle : Le Canada est-il prêt à relever le défi?

Dr. Yoshua Bengio, Université de Montréal Thursday September 28, 2017 Machine learning, and more specifically deep learning, will generate immense wealth and transform economies over the coming decade. Yoshua Bengio […]

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Dr. Leon Kochian: Next-generation technologies for tomorrow’s crops: Getting to the roots of global food security | Technologies de la prochaine génération pour les cultures de demain : aller à la source de la sécurité alimentarie mondiale

Leon Kochian, University of Saskatchewan Thursday, May 4, 2017 With stagnating food production and a world population expected to reach almost 10 billion by 2050, global food security is a […]

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Robert Hofstede: Building a climate-smart world: How development research helps the global population adapt to climate change | Bâtir un monde climato-intelligent : aider la population mondiale à s\adapter aux changements climatiques grâce à la recherche en développement

Robert Hofstede, International Development Research Centre Thursday, April 6, 2017 Robert Hofstede, Le Centre de recherches pour le développement international Jeudi le 6 avril 2017 La présentation portera sur certains […]

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Dr. Goldie Nejat: Can I Help You? The Future of Socially Assistive Robots in Healthcare | Puis-je vous aider? L’avenir des robots d’assistance intelligents dans le domaine des soins de santé

Goldie Nejat, University of Toronto Thursday March 9, 2017   Goldie Nejat, University of Toronto Jeudi, le 9 mars 2017 En raison de son faible taux de croissance et de […]

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Dr. Gail Atkinson: Unnatural tremors: the science of fracking and earthquakes | Tremblements anormaux : Le science de la fracturation hydraulique et des tremblements de terre

Gail Atkinson, Western University Jeudi, le 9 février 2017   Gail Atkinson, Western University Thursday February 9, 2017 La fracturation hydraulique a transformé l’économie des ressources en combustibles fossiles en […]

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Sylvain Martel: Canadian nanorobots: an option for fighting cancer? | Les nanorobots canadiens : une option pour combattre le cancer?

Sylvain Martel, Polytechnique Montréal Thursday December 1, 2016   Sylvain Martel, Polytechnique Montréal Jeudi le 1er décembre 2016 L’intégration des nanotechnologies à la robotique connait une progression rapide, si bien […]

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Dr. Jeremy Kerr: The great biodiversity challenge: conserving nature through a century of unprecedented change | Le grand défi de la biodiversité : la conservation de la nature pendant un siècle marqué par des changements sans précédent

Jeremy Kerr, University of Ottawa Thursday October 27, 2016   Jeremy Kerr, Université d'Ottawa Jeudi, le 27 octobre 2016 Nous comptons sur la nature pour une foule de services essentiels […]

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Dr. Mike Flannigan: Living with Forest Fires: Lessons from Fort McMurray | Vivre avec les feux de forêt : leçons tirées des feux de Fort McMurray

Mike Flannigan, University of Alberta Thursday September 29, 2016 Every year, for millennia, thousands of small fires and dozens of large ones break out in Canada’s boreal forest. This will […]

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Kenneth Lee: Crude oil on water – an expert perspective on spills, their impacts and remediation | Les effets du pétrole brut sur l’eau – Le point de vue d’un expert sur les déversements, leurs répercussions et les mesures d’assainissement

Kenneth Lee, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) Thursday June 9, 2016 Even with a concerted global effort to replace carbon fuels with other energy sources, oil continues to […]

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Dr. Jean Caron: Keeping food available and affordable : a twenty-first century challenge | Des aliments disponibles et abordables : un défi du 21e siècle

Jean Caron, Université Laval Thursday May 12, 2016 Agriculture today faces increasing challenges ranging from extreme weather and soil and water depletion to the relentless conversion of food land to […]

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Dr. Chris Eliasmith: Exploring a simulated brain: from human behaviour to drug effects | Étudier le cerveau virtuel : du comportement humain aux effets des médicaments

Chris Eliasmith, University of Waterloo Jeudi, le 14 avril 2016 Large-scale brain models have become the centerpiece of many international "big science" projects. At the University of Waterloo, Chris Eliasmith […]

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Scott Knight: Rethinking cyberattacks: New strategies to counter the mounting costs to business and threats to Canada’s security | Repenser les cyberattaques : nouvelles stratégies pour réduire les coûts grandissants des entreprises et contrer les menaces pour la sécurité du Canada

Scott Knight, Royal Military College of Canada Thursday, March 10, 2016 Although cyber security regularly makes news headlines, the resulting discussions often fail to make crucial distinctions between cyber-crime, cyber-espionage […]

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Dr. Ted Sargent: Trees do it. Ferns do it. Why can’t PhD’s do it? Bio-inspired solar energy | Capter la lumière à la manière des plantes L’énergie solaire bio-inspirée

Ted Sargent, University of Toronto Thursday February 26, 2015 Humankind consumes electrical power at an average annual rate of 15 Terawatts (trillions watts). We meet this demand primarily by burning […]

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Dr. Christopher Burns: Permafrost science heats up: understanding and preparing for change in northern landscapes | L’étude du pergélisol s’active : comprendre les changements au paysage nordique et s’y préparer

Chistopher Burn, Carleton University Thursday February 4, 2016 Climate change is the talk of the town these days. Not a day goes by without news about its effects. Much attention […]

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Dr. Gerry Wright: The Crisis in Antibiotics | Les antibiotiques en crise

Gerry Wright, McMaster University Thursday April 23, 2015 As near daily headlines warn us, the rise of drug resistant microbes, or “superbugs”, – is impacting public health. We need antibiotics […]

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Extreme weather and climate: Measured response? | À météo et climat extrêmes, measures proportionnées?

Ronald Stewart, University of Manitoba Daniel Scott, University of Waterloo Thursday March 26, 2015 In Canada and around the world, extreme weather phenomena are becoming more frequent and more damaging. […]

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Denis Lavoie: The shale gas bonanza: opportunities and challenges

Denis Lavoie, Natural Resources Canada Tuesday February 3, 2015 The search for oil and gas is taking us to new settings on the Canadian landscape, testing the limits of our […]

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Dr. Yusuf Altintas: Virtual manufacturing: on the computerized cutting edge | Quand fabrication virtuelle rime avec informatique de pointe

Yusuf Altintas, The University of British Columbia Thursday November 20, 2014 In manufacturing, even the slightest error in cutting, or "machining", a part can cost thousands of dollars in materials […]

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Dr. John Cullen: Ocean Acidification: the other carbon dioxide problem | L’acidification des océans : l’autre problème lié au dioxyde de carbone

*Dr Cullen was aboard the Canadian Coast Guard ship Amundsen when it was photographed to be on the $50 bill. Sadly Dr Cullen's research equipment did not make the final edit! […]

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From trolley cars to rapid transit: The future of urban transportation | Des tramways au transport en commun rapide : l’avenir du transport urbain

Jeff Casello, University of Waterloo Zachary Patterson, Concordia University Thursday May 1, 2014 From large suburban developments to gentrification of downtown cores, growing urban centres create new challenges for how […]

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Christiane Hudon: From canoe to container ship: Managing water in the Great Lakes – St Lawrence River system | Du canot aux porte-conteneurs : la gestion de l’eau dans le réseau des Grands Lacs et du fleuve Saint-Laurent

Christiane Hudon, Environment Canada Thursday March 27, 2014 Reservoir to a fifth of the world’s surface freshwater and support system to some 59 million people, the Great Lakes - Saint […]

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Dr. John Valliant: Seeing is believing: medical isotopes improve the view on cancer | Voir, c’est croire : les isotopes médicaux permettent de mieux voir le cancer

John Valliant, McMaster University Thursday February 27, 2014 The way we diagnose and treat diseases like cancer is changing. Where once we settled for comparatively simple X-ray images, today medical […]

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Dr. Sally Aitken: Will my forest look good in these genes? | La génétique au secours des forêts canadiennes

Sally Aitken, University of British Columbia Thursday January 30, 2014 As the climate changes, the health of Canadian forests is in decline, threatening Canada’s wood supply, impacting jobs, and decreasing […]

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Dr. Gregory Dudek: The robots are here! | Les robots sont parmi nous!

Gregory Dudek, McGill University Thursday November 28, 2013 Autonomous mobile robots can now be used for a broad range of outdoor monitoring, surveillance, and transport operations. Driven by advances in […]

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Dr. Debra Inglis: Harvesting Innovation: Conquering challenges facing the Canadian grape and wine industry | Favoriser l’innovation : relever les défis de l’industrie viticole du Canada

Debra Inglis, Brock University Thursday October 24, 2013 With an annual economic impact reaching almost $7 billion, Canada’s grape and wine industry has grown phenomenally to involve more than 31,000 […]

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Dr. Howard Wheater: Canada dry? Managing our water for the future | Le Canada à sec? Gérer notre eau pour l’avenir

Howard Wheater, University of Saskatchewan Thursday May 23, 2013 While Canada is widely perceived as water-rich, forces such as climate change, pollution and competing water needs are creating unprecedented challenges […]

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Dr. Gordon McBean: Reducing Risks, Gaining Benefits – Coping with Weird Weather in a Changing Climate | Réduire les risques et obtenir des avantages : s’adapter à la météo incertaine dans le contexte des changements climatiques

Gordon McBean, Western University Thursday April 18, 2013 North Americans are now confronted with a growing number of catastrophic weather events. With near unprecedented fury, these events frequently disrupt communities […]

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Dr. Paul Van Oorschot: Cybersecurity: smartphones, software, the Internet and you | Cybersécurité : les téléphones intelligents, les logiciels, l’Internet et vous

Paul C. Van Oorschot, Carleton University Thursday March 7, 2013 At this breakfast, we will explore the key questions related to security and mobile devices:What software is running your smartphone, […]

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Dr. Line Rochefort: Putting Humpty together again: rebuilding peatlands after resource extraction | Réparer les pots cassés : rétablir les tourbières après l’extraction des ressources

Line Rochefort, Université Laval Thursday February 7, 2013 Major disruption of natural landscapes is too often the unavoidable consequence of extracting economic value from Canada's natural resources. While Université Laval […]

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Dr. Aled Edwards: Human Genomics and New Models for Drug Discovery | La génomique humaine et les nouveaux modèles de découverte de médicaments

The pharmaceutical sector is under stress: globally, research budgets are decreasing, and research and development sites are closing. New R&D models are required to ensure the development of drugs to […]

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Dr. Thierry Chopin: Towards a More Sustainable and Diversified Aquaculture | Vers une Aquaculture plus Durable et Diversifiée

Dr. Thierry Chopin: Towards a More Sustainable and Diversified Aquaculture Fulfilling aquaculture’s growth potential requires responsible technologies and practices. Sustainable aquaculture must be ecologically efficient, environmentally benign, provide diversified products, […]

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Dr. Andreas Athienitis: Cities in the Sun: The Path Towards Smart Net-zero Energy Solar Buildings and Communities | Des villes ensoleillées : vers des collectivités et des bâtiments solaires et intelligents à consommation énergétique nette nulle

Dr. Andreas Athienitis: Cities in the Sun: The Path Towards Smart Net-zero Energy Solar Buildings and Communities Imagine a building that acts as a small power plant, able to produce […]

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Dr. Stephen Larter: Alternate futures for the oil sands industry: from the age of steam to the age of biology | D’autres horizons prometteurs se dessinent pour l’industrie des sables bitumineux : de la vapeur à la biologie

Dr. Stephen Larter: Alternate futures for the oil sands industry: from the age of steam to the age of biology Underground steam injection has made in situ recovery of oil […]

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Dr. Richard Peltier: The Lowdown on the Meltdown | Pleins feux sur la fonte des glaces

Dr. Richard Peltier: The Lowdown on the Meltdown Gravity measurements from space reveal a rapid loss of land ice from both Greenland and Antarctica. These observations, the most accurate yet, […]

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James Franklin: Geoscience as a Key to Canada’s Economic Competitiveness, Wealth and Development | Les sciences de la Terre : une clé de la compétitivité économique, de la richesse et du développement du Canada

James Franklin: Geoscience as a Key to Canada’s Economic Competitiveness, Wealth and Development While mining and energy currently contribute more than $45 billion annually to the Canadian economy, clouds are […]

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Dr. Daniel Krewski: Decision-making in an uncertain world | La prise de décisions dans un monde incertain

Dr. Daniel Krewski: Decision-making in an uncertain world Are cell phones safe? Are there valid replacements for animals in toxicology tests? What are the health threats from emerging diseases? Questions […]

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Dr. Sophie D’Amours: Green forests, green dollars: rebuilding Canada’s forest products industry leadership through innovation | Des forêts en santé, une économie en santé : redonner au Canada son titre de chef de file de l’industrie des produits forestiers grâce à l’innovation

Dr. Sophie D'Amours: Green forests, green dollars: rebuilding Canada’s forest products industry leadership through innovation Innovation and knowledge are the centerpieces of a remarkable transformation of Canada’s forest products industry. […]

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Dr. Liuchen Chang: Bringing Power to the People – Smart Grids and the Future of Renewable Energy | Alimentation en électricité – Les réseaux électriques intelligents et l’ avenir de l’énergie renouvelable

Dr. Liuchen Chang: Bringing Power to the People - Smart Grids and the Future of Renewable Energy For many small-scale wind and solar power generators to displace carbon fuels, they […]

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Dr. Philip Jessop: Switching to Green Chemistry | Passer à la chimie verte

Dr. Philip Jessop: Switching to Green Chemistry The old way to prevent pollution was to capture pollutants before they left the factory, which is always a financial burden. The Green […]

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Dr. Allison Sekuler: The Amazing, Changing, Aging Brain | L’évolution extraordinaire du cerveau vieillissant

Dr. Allison Sekuler: The Amazing, Changing, Aging Brain The "greying population" is the fastest growing group in Canada. Age-related changes in perceptual and neural function have implications for virtually every […]

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Dr. Denis Mitchell: Failure is not an option: lessons for making Canada’s buildings and bridges safer | L’échec est inconcevable : des leçons pour rendre les ponts et les bâtiments du Canada plus sécuritaires

Dr. Denis Mitchell: Failure is not an option: lessons for making Canada's buildings and bridges safer Many of Canada’s urban regions are at risk of a moderate or severe earthquake. […]

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Dr. Daniel Pauly: Fisheries and global warming, and their impacts on marine ecosystems and global food security | La pêche, le réchauffement climatique et leur incidence sur les écosystèmes marins et l’approvisionnement alimentaire mondiale

Dr. Daniel Pauly: Fisheries and global warming, and their impacts on marine ecosystems and global food security Over the last half century, the reach of industrial fisheries extended down into […]

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Dr. Graham Bell: Understanding Biodiversity: the next Big Science Project and how it will change politics | Comprendre la biodiversité : le prochain projet de mégascience et la façon dont il changera la politique

Dr. Graham Bell: Understanding Biodiversity: the next Big Science Project and how it will change politics Natural ecosystems are large, complex biological machines that provide essential services to all life […]

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Dr. Eugenia Kumacheva: Turboscience – Supercharging Discovery and Innovation | Des outils puissants propulsent la découverte et l’innovation

Dr. Eugenia Kumacheva: Turboscience - Supercharging Discovery and Innovation Faster and lower cost medical diagnostics and drug development. Rapid generation of novel, high value materials. Remarkable new insights that cut […]

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Dr. John Pomeroy: Water prescriptions for a dry land – how the West can prepare for drought | Des prescriptions d’eau pour une terre sèche : Comment l’Ouest peut se préparer aux sécheresses

Dr. John Pomeroy: Water prescriptions for a dry land - how the West can prepare for drought With large parts of Western Canada facing the driest conditions in decades, the […]

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Dr. Gilles Brassard: The ABC’s of Quantum Magic | L’ABC de la magie quantique

Dr. Gilles Brassard: The ABC's of Quantum Magic Quantum mechanics is perhaps the most spectacular scientific theory of all time. Yet, more than one hundred years after its discovery, few […]

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Dr. Marc-André Sirard: The Science of Bacon and Eggs | La science de l’ovule

Dr. Marc-André Sirard: The Science of Bacon and Eggs The life of all mammals, including humans, begins with the largest and most extraordinary cell of the body – the egg. […]

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Dr. David G. Barber: S’attaquer au problème du phosphore : une nouvelle technologie environnementale canadienne aide à régler un enjeu mondial urgent | Climate Change and Arctic Sea Ice: So what is all the fuss about?

Dr. David G. Barber: Climate Change and Arctic Sea Ice: So what is all the fuss about? People are becoming increasingly aware that something unusual is happening in the Arctic. […]

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Francis A. Plummer: Anticipating where the puck is going to be: using advanced technologies to keep ahead in the evolutionary struggle with the microbial world | Prévoir les coups : utiliser les technologies de pointe pour garder une longueur d’avance dans l’évolution du monde bactérien

Francis A. Plummer: University of Manitoba and National Microbiology Laboratory (Winnipeg), Public Health Agency of Canada In recent decades, more than 40 new or newly recognized diseases have emerged, largely […]

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Dr. Victoria Kaspi: The Violent High Energy Universe | L’univers violent de la haute énergie

Dr. Victoria Kaspi: The Violent High Energy Universe A glance at the night sky during a quiet walk in the dark countryside suggests that our cosmos is calm and largely […]

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Dr. Marc St-Onge: Hot prospects in the cold: the new Geological Map of the Arctic | De chaudes perspectives dans le froid : la nouvelle carte géologique de l’Arctique

Dr. Marc St-Onge: Hot prospects in the cold: the new Geological Map of the Arctic The newly-released Geological Map of the Arctic shows that Canada’s North is much more than […]

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Dr. Bridget Stutchbury: When the canary dies | Lorsque les oiseaux se taisent à jamais

Dr. Bridget Stutchbury: When the canary dies Migratory songbirds are experiencing one of the most spectacular declines in numbers of all animal species. It is a sobering thought that Rachel […]

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Dr. Jeffrey Dahn: Are Batteries and Fuel Cells ready for All-Electric Vehicles? | Les batteries et les piles à combustible sont-elles prêtes pour les véhicules tout électriques?

Dr. Jeffrey Dahn: Are Batteries and Fuel Cells ready for All-Electric Vehicles? Hybrid electric vehicles have arrived, but they lack a substantial all-electric range. The anticipated next generation of “plug-in” […]

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Dr. Bryan Kolb: Understanding the plastic brain | Comprendre la plasticité du cerveau

Dr. Bryan Kolb: Understanding the plastic brain Although once considered a static organ, the brain continually rewires its structure and function to adapt to very different environmental, cultural, and developmental […]

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Dr. Kevin Englehart: Bionic Limbs – from science fiction to reality | Des membres bioniques – de la science fiction à la réalité

Dr. Kevin Englehart: Bionic Limbs - from science fiction to reality Advances in capturing and processing the signals from undamaged nerves are opening the door to prosthetic devices that permit […]

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Dr. Eleanor Fish: Preparing for the next pandemic: how we can gain the upper hand against new diseases | Se préparer à la prochaine pandémie : comment pouvons-nous avoir le dessus sur les nouvelles maladies

Dr. Eleanor Fish: Se préparer à la prochaine pandémie : comment pouvons-nous avoir le dessus sur les nouvelles maladies Les infections virales émergentes constituent une menace importante pour la santé […]

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Dr. Chris Metcalfe: What are we flushing down the drain? Assessing the hazards of pharmaceuticals and personal care products | Que jetons-nous dans les éviers? Évaluation des dangers des produits pharmaceutiques et de soins personnels

Dr. Chris Metcalfe: What are we flushing down the drain? Assessing the hazards of pharmaceuticals and personal care products There are a variety of chemicals that we flush down the […]

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Randy Mikula: Trading Water for Oil – Tailings Management in Surface-Mined Oil Sands | De l’eau en remplacement de pétrole – Gestion des résidus dans les sables bitumineux exploités à ciel ouvert

Randy Mikula: Trading Water for Oil - Tailings Management in Surface-Mined Oil Sands About 12 barrels of water are needed to produce each barrel of bitumen from surface mined oil […]

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Dr. Murray Gray: Can oil sands production and upgrading be sustainable? | La production tirée des sables bitumineux et la valorisation des sables bitumineux peuvent-elles être durables?

Bien que les réserves de sables bitumineux du Canada soient considérables, les technologies actuelles de séparation et de valorisation pourraient limiter le potentiel des sables bitumineux de devenir une source […]

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Dr. Robert Wolkow: The Ruse and the Reality of Nanotechnology | La ruse et la réalité de la nanotechnologie

Dr. Robert Wolkow: The Ruse and the Reality of Nanotechnology Nanotechnology doesn’t exist yet, not substantially, not compared to what is coming. What exists today is nanoscience. It is the […]

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Dr. Richard Béliveau: Fighting Cancer with Food | La prévention du cancer par l’alimentation

Dr. Richard Béliveau: Fighting Cancer with Food It is estimated that one third of cancer cases can be attributed to diet, which demonstrates the importance of healthy eating to help […]

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Dr. John Hughes Clarke: Ocean mapping – a new tool for exploring and managing Canada’s vast offshore resources | Cartographie océanique – un nouvel outil pour l’exploration et la gestion des vastes ressources extracôtières du Canada

Dr. John Hughes Clarke: Ocean mapping – a new tool for exploring and managing Canada’s vast offshore resources   Dr. John Hughes Clarke: Cartographie océanique – un nouvel outil pour […]

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Peter Frise: Building the car of the future, idea by idea | Construire la voiture de l’avenir, une idée à la fois

Peter Frise: Building the car of the future, idea by idea The automotive industry is Canada’s largest single business sector, providing high-value employment to over 500,000 people across the country, […]

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Dr. Yves Bergeron: Managing Canada’s Boreal Forests for the Future | Gestion prévoyante des forêts boréales du Canada

Dr. Yves Bergeron: Managing Canada's Boreal Forests for the Future The Canadian boreal forest constitutes one of the last frontier forests in the world. But it is a forest under […]

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Dr. Scott A. Mabury: From microwave popcorn bags to polar bears – tracking the path of fluoroalcohols through the global environment | Des sacs de maïs soufflé pour micro-ondes aux ours polaires – Sur la piste des fluoroalcools dans l’environnement mondial

Dr. Scott A. Mabury: From microwave popcorn bags to polar bears – tracking the path of fluoroalcohols through the global environment  Fluoroalcohols, the basic industrial building blocks of many popular […]

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Dr. David Dolphin: From the Bench to the Bedside to the Bank | Du banc de travail aux brevets

Dr. David Dolphin: From the Bench to the Bedside to the Bank Dr. David Dolphin will share his unique insight into the discovery and commercial development of Visudyne, a drug […]

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Dr. Murat Saatcioglu: Earthquakes and Bomb Blasts: How safe is our infrastructure? | Tremblements de terre et explosions de bombes : nos infrastructures sont-elles sûres?

Dr. Murat Saatcioglu: Earthquakes and Bomb Blasts: How safe is our infrastructure? In 2004 alone, natural and human-induced disasters killed more than 300,000 people worldwide and inflicted damage in excess […]

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Dr. David Shoesmith: Safe Disposal of Canada’s High Level Nuclear Wastes | Évacuation sûre des déchets hautement radioactifs au Canada

Dr. David Shoesmith: Safe Disposal of Canada's High Level Nuclear Wastes Due to the need for emission-free energy generation methods, nuclear energy is again at centre-stage from a scientific and […]

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Dr. David Keith: Wind Power in a Carbon-Constrained World: Capacity, Cost, and Environmental Impacts | L’énergie éolienne dans un monde dont les ressources en carbone sont limitées : capacité, coûts et incidence sur l’environnement

Dr. David Keith: Wind Power in a Carbon-Constrained World: Capacity, Cost, and Environmental Impacts Wind power has come of age, with over 40 gigawatts of global capacity and annual equipment […]

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Dr. Barbara Sherwood Lollar: Countering the hydrocarbon threat to Canada’s groundwater | Contrer les risques liés à la présence d’hydrocarbures dans les eaux souterraines au Canada

Dr. Barbara Sherwood Lollar: Countering the hydrocarbon threat to Canada's groundwater Hydrocarbon pollution of groundwater is a widespread problem in both rural and urban settings and a major concern for […]

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Dr. Paul Hebert: The Barcode of Life Initiative – Checking Life in before it checks out | La Barcode of Life Initiative – Faire la lecture des êtres vivants

Dr. Paul Hebert: The Barcode of Life Initiative - Checking Life in before it checks out Humans share the Earth with million of species, most of which, even after 250 […]

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Dr. Marc Bustin: Coal bed methane extraction | Une nouvelle ère du charbon : des chercheurs explorent de nouvelles façons de tirer de l’énergie d’un vieux combustible

Dr. Marc Bustin: Coal bed methane extraction Canada has vast resources of coalbed methane gas. These reserves, located mainly in western Canada where a petroleum infrastructure already exists, become increasingly […]

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Dr. Vincent Tao: Globe Watch: Remote Sensing, Surveillance, and Mapping with « See Anywhere – Map Everywhere » (SAME) Technology | Observer la planète : télédétection, surveillance et cartographie à l’aide de la technologie SAME (See Anywhere – Map Everywhere)

Dr. Vincent Tao: Globe Watch: Remote Sensing, Surveillance, and Mapping with "See Anywhere - Map Everywhere" (SAME) Technology Modern geomatics is a Canadian invention that has spawned an industry generating […]

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Dr. Tito Scaiano: When light meets matter: implications for health and high technology | Quand la lumière et la matière se rencontrent : les répercussions sur la santé et la haute technologie

Dr. Tito Scaiano: When light meets matter: implications for health and high technology Chemical reactions induced by light are the mainstay of life on earth and the key to new […]

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Dr. Hugh MacIsaac: Invasive species: coming soon to a lake near you | Les invasions aquatiques : bientôt dans un lac près de chez vous

Dr. Hugh MacIsaac: Invasive species: coming soon to a lake near you Canada has sustained dramatic damage resulting from the introduction of invasive species such as the SARS virus, emerald […]

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Dr. Aftab A. Mufti: Getting bridges to talk | Faire parler les ponts

Dr. Aftab A. Mufti: Getting bridges to talk Stress, corrosion and fatigue may be killing Canada's infrastructure and pocketbooks, but civil engineers have started to listen (to the bridges, that […]

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Dr. Alexander Mackenzie: When cells choose the wrong time to die | Lorsque les cellules choisissent le mauvais moment pour mourir

Dr. Alexander Mackenzie: When cells choose the wrong time to die In medicine, as in politics, timing is everything. When cells die prematurely, degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and muscular […]

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Dr. David Layzell: Fighting climate change with biology…putting the  » Green Advantage » to work for Canada | Combattre le changement climatique à l’aide de la biologie… mettre « l’avantage écologique » au profit du Canada

Dr. David Layzell, Queen's University  Plants have been in the business of managing greenhouse gases for more than 400 million years. Can they help Canada meet its Kyoto commitment of […]

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Dr. Jeffrey Hutchings: The Threat to the World’s Oceans – Measuring Canada’s Options | Océans menacés – Peser les options qui s’offrent au Canada

Dr. Jeffrey Hutchings, Dalhousie University  Since the 1960s, more than one and a half billion cod have vanished from Newfoundland and Labrador waters. Why have these and other fish populations […]

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Dr. Louis Fortier: Forecasting the Impact of a Melting Arctic | Le réchauffement de l’Arctique

Dr. Louis Fortier, Québec-Océan, Université Laval Climate models predict that the earliest indisputable evidence of climate change will come from the melting of Arctic sea ice. Is the current thinning […]

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Robin Riddihough: Things are falling into place — Gravity rules | La gravité : une force attirante

Robin Riddihough, Natural Resources Canada Tuesday, April 8, 2003 Gravity keeps the coffee in the cup and the cup on the table. It rules our lives and yet remains one […]

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Dr. Arvind Gupta: Mathematics: The Engine of Scientific Innovation | Les mathématiques : le moteur de l’innovation scientifique

Arvind Gupta, Simon Fraser University Jeudi 20 mars 2003   Arvind Gupta, Simon Fraser University Thursday, March 20, 2003 Les mathématiques sont au cœur de la majeure partie de la […]

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Dr. Brett Finlay: Can biotechnology prevent another Walkerton? The future for E. coli vaccines | La biotechnologie permettra-t-elle d’éviter un autre Walkerton? Les vaccins contre E. coli

Brett Finlay, University of British Columbia Jeudi 13 février 2003 Although we all contain harmless E. coli as part of our normal intestinal flora, there are several strains of E. […]

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Dr. Mark L. Winston: Pollinators in a Genetically Modified World | Les pollinisateurs dans un monde génétiquement modifié

Mark L. Winston, Simon Fraser University Jeudi 24 octobre 2002 Genetically modified (GM) crops are becoming increasingly important for pest control, but have spawned unusually charged disputes because of concerns […]

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Dr. Jed Harrison: Speeding up Drug Discovery | Accélérer la découverte de nouveaux médicaments

Dr. Jed Harrison, University of Alberta Tuesday, May 7, 2002 During the past decade, Professor Jed Harrison has played a key role in developing “lab-on-a-chip” technology, one of three converging […]

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Dr. Ned Djilali: Fuel Cell Technology – A Pathway to Clean Energy | La technologie des piles à carburant – une voie vers l’énergie propre

Ned Djilali, University of Victoria Thursday, March 14, 2002   Ned Djilali, Université de Victoria Jeudi 14 mars 2002 Si nous voulons assurer notre prospérité économique et notre qualité de […]

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Alfonso Rivera: Water under Pressure: Research on Canadian Groundwater Resources | Pression sur l’eau : recherche sur les ressources en eau souterraine au Canada

Alfonso Rivera, Natural Resources Canada, Quebec Thursday, February 7, 2002 Although Canada is a water-rich country with many rivers and lakes, ten million Canadians rely on groundwater for their water […]

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Dr. Ming-ko Woo: Water, weather and climate change in Canada’s vast Mackenzie Region | Eau, conditions météorologiques et changement climatique dans la vaste région du Mackenzie au Canada

Ming-ko Woo, McMaster University Thursday, November 29, 2001 Bommy Lee, Carleton University Northern water resources are very sensitive to weather and climate, and they may be affected substantially by the […]

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Dr. Christine D. Wilson: Moving Beyond the Visible Universe: Dark Clouds, Galaxy Collisions, and the Origin of Stars | Dépasser l’univers visible : nuages sombres, collisions galactiques et origine des étoiles

Christine D. Wilson, McMaster University Tuesday, October 30, 2001 Bommy Lee, Carleton University Much of the astronomical research of the next decade is expected to focus on understanding the origins […]

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Dr. Edward (Ted) H. Sargent: Nanophotonics: Illuminating the Quantum World | Nanophotonique : Illuminer l’Univers quantique

Edward (Ted) H. Sargent, University of Toronto Tuesday, September 25, 2001 Bommy Lee, Carleton University   Edward (Ted) H. Sargent, University of Toronto Mardi 25 septembre 2001 Bommy Lee, Carleton […]

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Rory McGreal: Putting learning on line: How New Brunswick got to the front of the pack | L’apprentissage dans l’univers virtuel: Comment le Nouveau-Brunswick retrace l’inforoute

Rory McGreal, TeleEducation, Fredericton NB Thursday, June 7, 2001 The online learning industry is growing at an increasingly rapid rate. Worldwide, more than 2 million students are now studying online. […]

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Dr. John Smol: Water Quality, Climate Change, and Salmon Stocks: Getting a clear view of the past…from mud! | Qualité de l’eau, changement climatique et stocks de saumons: le passé se révèle dans la boue!

John Smol, Queens University Thursday, May 10, 2001 (originally Tuesday, October 31, 2000) Human activities are greatly affecting water systems, but data from the past are hard to get. Is […]

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Thomas (Tom) Hudson: The Human Genome Project, Heading for payoff… | Le projet du génome humain – Une belle récolte en perspective…

Thomas (Tom) Hudson, Montreal Genome Centre Thursday, April 5, 2001 As the human genome sequencing project nears completion, researchers have begun grappling with its implications for the study of life […]

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Dr. Verena Tunnicliffe: Exotic Canada: Deep, Dark and Hot A tour of hydrothermal vents on the ocean floor | Les bouches hydrothermales du Canada : chaleur et exotisme révélés dans les sombres profondeurs océaniques

Verena Tunnicliffe, University of Victoria Thursday, March 15, 2001 The hottest water on Earth, over 400°C, gushes into the otherwise barren depths of the cold ocean. One such spectacular site […]

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Dr. Peter Jones: Functional Foods: Snake Oil or the Grande Elixir? | Les aliments fonctionnels : poudre de perlimpinpin ou panacée?

Peter Jones,McGill University Thursday, Sept 28, 2000 No other lifestyle decision can influence your long term health prospects as much as the food you eat. Arriving soon on your supermarket […]

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Dr. Kim Vicente: The Human Factors in Engineering… and Why They Matter | Les facteurs humains en génie… et les raisons de leur importance

Kim Vicente, University of Toronto Thursday, May 11, 2000 When designers ignore people, the result is products that are difficult for people to use. Just think of all of those […]

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John Cross: Farming with the Biotech Edge – What Fungi can do for the World’s Crops | Les champignons: champions de la fertilisation (ou comment mettre la biotechnologie au service des récoltes)

John Cross, Philom Bios Inc., Saskatoon Thursday, April 13, 2000 Microbes have been both friend and foe for food producers since the beginning of time - friends as drivers of […]

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Dr. John Clague: Earthquakes and Tsunamis – Sleuthing the ‘Big One’ on the West Coast | Tremblements de terre et tsunamis – prévoir le prochain tremblement de terre majeur sur la côte ouest

John Clague, Simon Fraser University Thursday, March 16, 2000 Western British Columbia is one of Canada's earthquake hotspots. On average, one detectable quake occurs there every day. Nine large earthquakes […]

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Dr. Jean-René Roy: From Stonehenge to Gemini – A Venture Between Science & Technology | De Stonehenge à Gemini — une alliance entre la science et la technologie

Jean-René Roy, Université Laval Thursday, February 10, 2000 From the earliest tracking of the motions of the stars during the Stone Age to the discovery of the expansion of the […]

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Sydney Pugh: Astronauts and Grandmothers — What’s the Common Denominator? | Astronautes et grands-mères – Quel est le dénominateur commun?

Sydney Pugh, Millenium Biologix Inc., Kingston Thursday, December 2, 1999 Osteoporosis, one of the most common and devastating bone diseases on earth, is also a serious problem for astronauts, male […]

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Dr. Diane Michelangeli: How is our Atmosphere Impacting the Quality of Life in Canada? A Review of Current Research Areas of Concern | Quel est l’impact de notre atmosphère sur la qualité de vie au Canada? Un examen des domaines de recherche actuels

Diane Michelangeli, York University Tuesday, November 16, 1999 From urban smog to stratospheric ozone depletion, from greenhouse gases to acid rain, from global weather patterns to severe local storms, the […]

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Dr. Patrick Lee: Viruses – a new cancer-fighting tool? | Les virus: pourraient-ils servir à combattre le cancer?

Patrick Lee, University of Calgary Health Sciences Centre Thursday, October 21, 1999 Patrick Lee and his research colleagues at the University of Calgary are responsible for an amazing discovery - […]

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Paul Jay: Look out for nervous circuits | Attention aux circuits nerveux!

Paul Jay, Nortel Networks Thursday, May 27, 1999 Semiconductor technology has advanced at an impressive rate over the past 4-5 decades. Gordon Moore (now of Intel) observed over 30 years […]

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Keith Ingold: Vitamin E, Free Radicals and Your Health | La vitamine E, les radicaux libres et votre santé

Keith Ingold, National Research Council Thursday, April 15, 1999 If you took a Vitamin E supplement this morning, this is a breakfast you shouldn't miss. Come and find out how […]

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Dr. Mary Anne White: New Materials for the Next Millennium | Que nous réserve le prochain millénaire en fait de matériaux nouveaux?

Mary Anne White, Dalhousie University Thursday, February 11, 1999 The various ages of humanity - the Stone Age, the Bronze Age, the Iron Age - have been characterized by the […]

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Pierre Bélanger: The Robots are Coming; Intelligent Systems are Part of Our Future | Les robots sont à nos portes: les systèmes intelligents font déjà partie de votre vie

Pierre Bélanger, PRECARN Associates Inc., Ottawa Thursday, December 3, 1998 Come and learn how a nationwide research initiative is making Canada a leader in the development of systems that can […]

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Dr. Elizabeth Cannon: Bringing Space Down to Earth | Les satellites reviennent sur Terre

Elizabeth Cannon, University of Calgary Thursday November 5, 1998 There are currently millions of users of the satellite-based Global Positioning System (GPS) and the global market for GPS devices is […]

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Paul Corkum: Upcoming Laser-Based Technologies: What Every MP Needs to Know | Les prochaines technologies laser; pour être au courant du futur

Paul Corkum, National Research Council Canada Thursday, October 8, 1998 We listen to music read by laser light, our telephone conversations are carried on laser light, laser light reads the […]

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Harvey Thorleifson: The Search for Diamonds in Canada | La recherche des diamants au Canada

Dr. Thorleifson is a scientist with Natural Resources Canada who, over the past 12 years, has made major contributions to the science that supports diamond exploration. He was recently named […]

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Dr. Andrew Weaver: The Science of Global Climate Change | La science du changement climatique à l’échelle globale

Canada's commitment to Kyoto -- What will it mean scientifically? or Everything you always wanted to know about climate change and were afraid to ask. Andrew Weaver is one of […]

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