Dr. Leon Kochian: Next-generation technologies for tomorrow’s crops: Getting to the roots of global food security | Technologies de la prochaine génération pour les cultures de demain : aller à la source de la sécurité alimentarie mondiale

Leon Kochian, University of Saskatchewan Thursday, May 4, 2017 With stagnating food production and a world population expected to reach almost 10 billion by 2050, global food security is a top-of-mind challenge for everyone. Dr. Kochian’s lab focuses on the plant’s “hidden half” -- the roots, until now largely ignored by breeders. For the very […]

Dr. Yoshua Bengio: Deep Learning and Artificial Intelligence: Is Canada ready for the challenge? | Apprentissage profond et intelligence artificielle : Le Canada est-il prêt à relever le défi?

Dr. Yoshua Bengio, Université de Montréal Thursday September 28, 2017 Machine learning, and more specifically deep learning, will generate immense wealth and transform economies over the coming decade. Yoshua Bengio will discuss Canada's leadership in the stunning scientific revolution that is bringing machines ever closer to human- level intelligence, and the serious questions these technologies […]

Dr. Jay T. Cullen: Uncharted Waters: A scientific glimpse into the future of the Arctic Ocean | Naviguer dans des eaux inexplorées : Regard scientifique sur l’avenir de l’océan Arctique

Dr. Jay T. Cullen, University of Victoria Thursday October 26, 2017 Climate change is reshaping the Arctic Ocean faster than anyone imagined. Warming is reducing sea ice cover in the summer months, adding freshwater from melting of sea ice and glaciers, and altering ocean currents and ocean mixing. While Northerners may benefit from the expansion […]

Dr. Michael Houghton: 30-year Journey: Winning the battle against Hepatitis C | Gagner la bataille contre l’hépatite C après 30 ans de recherche

Dr. Michael Houghton, University of Alberta Thursday November 23, 2017 Brought to the University of Alberta in 2010 by the Canada Excellence in Research Chair (CERC) program, Dr. Michael Houghton is closing in on the ultimate solution for the Hepatitis C blood infections. In collaboration with Dr. Lorne Tyrrell, his laboratories have developed a strong […]

Dr. Steven Waslander: Canada Takes a Big Strike in the Driver-less Future | Le Canada mise gros sur l’avenir sans conducteur

Dr. Steven Waslander, University of Waterloo Thursday, February 15, 2018 With worldwide R&D investment exceeding tens of billions of dollars, self-driving vehicles are fast approaching. Yet it is still unclear how these vehicles will handle truly Canadian weather. Dr. Waslander will present recent work at the University of Waterloo to create Canada's first university-led, all-weather, […]

Bacon & Big Thinking – Arctic warming: The land and communities on the cusp of rapid change | Petit-déjeuner et Voir grand – Réchauffement de l’Arctique :Les terres et les communautés à l’aube d’un changement rapide

Bacon & Big Thinking - Arctic warming: The land and communities on the cusp of rapid change Susan Kutz, University of Calgary Jackie Dawson, University of Ottawa Tuesday March 20, 2018 Sciences and social sciences come together in a moderated discussion to examine the impacts of climate change on Arctic ecosystems and the way Inuit […]

Dr. Mark A. Ware: Cannabis in Canada: Closing in on a new paradigm for drug research and policy | Le cannabis au Canada : Aperçu du nouveau cadre le recherche et la politique sur les drogues

Dr. Mark A. Ware, McGill University Thursday April 26, 2018 Canada is poised to legalize and regulate the non-medical use of cannabis, the first G7 country to do so. This policy shift will touch many aspects of Canadian society, will create an entirely new industry, and will attract international interest. Developing and implementing a framework […]

Dr. Lawrence Goodridge: Food Safety for the 21st Century | Le salubrité des aliments au 21e siècle

Dr. Lawrence Goodridge, McGill University Thursday May 24, 2018 Despite great progress in protecting the food supply, food poisoning still accounts for more than four million infections, almost 12,000 hospitalizations and 238 deaths in Canada every year. Each outbreak and recall also carries a significant economic and reputational cost to the food industry. With the […]

Dr. Miriam Diamond: How Did that Chemical from My TV End Up in Me and an Arctic Fish? | Comment les produits chimiques présents dans les téléviseurs se retrouvent-ils dans les poissons de l’Arctique et les humains?

We are exposed to thousands of chemicals, some of which are or could be of concern for our health. In this talk, we follow the journey of flame retardants that are commonly used in, for example, electrical and electronic products, from their source to final destination in people and the environment far from their point […]

Madjid Mohseni: What Will it Take for Canada to Finally Solve Indigenous Water Health Challenges? | Comment le Canada peut-il régler définitivement les problèmes d’eau potable dans les collectivités autochtones?

What Will it Take for Canada to Finally Solve Indigenous Water Health Challenges? Madjid Mohseni, University of British Columbia November 29, 2018 Comment le Canada peut-il régler définitivement les problèmes d’eau potable dans les collectivités autochtones? Madjid Mohseni, University of British Columbia 29 Novembre 2018